Oak Valley Pioneer Park
One of Ontario’s three butternut archives, over 25 species of trees & shrubs, picnic benches.

Oschmann Forest
New home to our flagship Maple Syrup Education Program; the Oschmann Forest Conservation Area offers visitors...

Papineau Lake
Public access to Papineau Lake

Woodland, tree species plantations, fishing derbies, group camping, resevoir, 10 km trails

Parrott’s Bay
Class 3 wetland, scenic views of bay

Pigeon River Headwaters
Pigeon River Headwaters Conservation Area is a 125-hectare (308 acre) property situated partially within the Oak...

250 campsites, boating, camper programs, trails, day use area, canoe rentals

Port Davidson
A vegetative buffer with mature trees help to provide wildlife covers and shades the river for...

Port Hope
Ganaraska River, fish ladder

Portland Bay
Big Rideau Lake waterfront, roadside park and picnic area

Powassan Mountain (The Pines)
Spectacular views from the top of Powassan Mountain

Proctor Park
Proctor House Museum, mature maple/beech forest & cedar swamp, cold water stream