Mature woodlot, wetlands, playground equipment

Colpoy’s Lookout
Colpoy’s Lookout is easily accessible from the parking area making it an ideal spot for a...

Comfort Maple
Conserves what is widely believed to be the oldest and finest sugar maple tree in Canada,...

Confederation Beach Park
On Lake Ontario, ponds, wetlands, paved recreational trail, Wild Waterworks, mini-golf, go-karts, restaurants

Cooper Marsh Conservation Area
Nestled on the picturesque shore of the St. Lawrence River, the Cooper Marsh Conservation Area is...

La Vase River headwaters, mixed forest, wetlands

Crawford Lake
The pristine waters of Crawford Lake Conservation Area have drawn people to its shores for hundreds...

Crooks’ Hollow
Crooks’ Hollow is located in the Christie Stream Valley natural area. This area includes Christie Lake...

Fishing and canoe access to Thames River, tallgrass prairie, nature trail, floodplain.

Devil’s Punchbowl
The Devil’s Punchbowl is one of the Niagara Escarpment’s most amazing sights, created at the end...

Urban Carolinian Canada forest with 8 species of oak, more than 4km of trails

Dofasco 2000 Trail
Devil’s Punchbowl, Vinemount South Swamp, boardwalk, several lookouts and historic areas